Wednesday, 24th October 2001 - Day 69

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Yes you guessed it I

SLEPT and SLEPT and SLEPT some more.....

I sleep when people pick me up, I sleep when they feed me, I sleep when they change my nappy and I even sleep when Mummy and Daddy cuddle me... I even got 2 cuddles today and slept straight through both of them. Grandma and Grandpa came in to see me as a surprise and I woke up a little for them, and then went back to sleep. They thought that I had grown a lot in the last couple of weeks. have a look at the weight graph to prove it, I have increased by around 300 grams or just over ½ lb.

It must be all these late nights when the nurses are not watching I slip out and party away all night long ...

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Last Updated : 25/10/01.