Saturday, 18th August 2001 - Day 2

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Hello again, I have been a very busy little girl today and have been topping up my suntan under a nice ultraviolet light they have placed on the roof of my room. I have been swapped from one side to the other and back again and am wearing my special fabric sunglasses to protect my eyes. They tell me this is for Jaundice, but I think they are just trying to make me look nicer to Mummy and Daddy and get rid of that nasty red rash look. It looks like my blood pressure is causing the doctors and nurses a few problems along with the fluid levels in my body. They have put me on 2 special drugs to help my blood pressure and they seem to be working to me, as I can feel that all the parts of my body are beginning to get more blood. My foot has even stopped going blue, which was what was happening yesterday when it was not getting sufficient blood.

If they give me any more liquid then I am sure I will explode. I keep going to the loo and sweating loads but they still keep topping me up via one of my many pipes. They say it is important so I will try and not go to the loo and sweat so much. But what would you do in a 37 degree heat at 85% humidity? Believe you me a sauna may be nice but this is rediculous. Mummy and Daddy have come to see me much more today and I am really beginning to like them as they keep playing with and talking to me. Daddy keeps taking pictures of me and I jump whenever the flash goes off. Mummy has been looking a lot better than yesterday and can now see me from above. She was in a wheel chair yesterday and could only look in from a low level. She says I have Daddy's feet, which I do not think I want as he is a Giant and I am only a small girl. Girls should have nice delicate feet so Mummy is worrying me a little. However it feels nice when they tickle them so hopefully they are OK.

I had my first, of many, blood transfusions today. They have taken so much blood doing tests that a new extra machine was brought along to top up my blood stream with some extra. I hope it is nice and clean as mine is so new it has not even been used properly yet and it would be a pity to mess it up.

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Last Updated : 27/08/01.