Thursday, 11th October 2001 - Day 56

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Here we are again in the small world that is "Abigail World", welcome back to everybody who is reading this. Today has been fairly uneventful really. Mummy and Daddy came this morning and stayed for quite a long while. Daddy had promised me a cuddle today, I remember him saying it yesterday, unfortunately he has come down with a cold and cannot get too close. I am really sad about this as I was looking forward to getting one of those warm cuddles with him, but Mummy tried to make up for it by having a short cuddle with me herself, which I will tell you about later. I hope Daddy gets better soon as I do like him paying attention to me.

I also had a delivery today from a nice lady called Cluna, it is remarkable what you get in a place like this for such a small insignificant little person like me. Cluna is making a short film of the unit, you never know I may get to be a film star and I should not even be born yet. She is very nice and comes to see me when she is in the hospital. She got me a little bear called Russ, who is all hairy and soft, and a congratulations ballon for getting over a kilogram. Thank you very much for thinking of me, and for the bear, he is really lovely. I am now 2lbs 8ozs, which is over twice my birth weight so things must be going in the right direction.

When Mummy took me out for a cuddle this afternoon I got a real shock. She tried to suffocate me with this great big pad thing on her chest and stick it in my mouth. I did however resist and thought that if I feined sleep then she would stop, which she did thank goodness. The rest of the cuddle was lovely once she decided to stop trying to suffocate me. She then told me that I was supposed to suck on the pad and I would get some of that nice milk coming out, but it would be fresh rather than the frozen version I get at the moment. Why I was not told before hand I do not know! I am only little and cannot be expected to know everything, but we will know next time !!!!!

As you can see from the pictures I have now got some matching incubator accessories to go with my nice pick check dress, very trendy....

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Last Updated : 14/10/01.