Friday, 21st September 2001 - Special Guest Page

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As the nurse places you in my arms I can't believe I've got you.  I hardly feel any weight at all.  What a little feather you are!

Dear Sweet Little Abby.  Have you any idea how long I've waited for this moment?  How many times I have imagined just this; holding your tiny little body close to my own, inspecting your fragile little face and smelling your very own individual smell.

This is such a special moment and so totally unexpected that today would be the day.  As I look down at you everything seems so perfect - just a miniature version.  You peer up at me beneath those long eyelashes, that can only have been inherited from your Daddy.  I know you recognise my voice and that fills me with such joy.  I know Daddy can't wait to hold you himself.  You've no idea how loved you are by us.

In some ways the 36 days, waiting for the moment I could hold you, seem like an eternity, in others it seems like such a short time ago I was still nurturing you inside my own body.  Poor, sweet little Abby, how much you've had to go through to get to this moment.  How much more will there be before Mummy and Daddy can take you home and look after you ourselves?  I hope you know how much we are looking forward to that.  Oh how special Christmas will be this year!

Obviously you like it here close to your Mummy, where you belong, as I can see you're drifting off to sleep.  Well little Abby, sleeping means precious growing time so please do plenty of it.  I know you're never going to be the biggest girl in the world (with a mother whose only 5 foot tall) but you need to get a good deal bigger than you are now!  Hopefully this is the start of many more cuddles to come.  Be a good girl Abby, grow and get stronger so you can breathe all on your own like a big girl.

     Until next time Abby,

            Love Mummy     xxxxxxxxxx

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Last Updated : 22/09/01.