Wednesday, 5th September 2001 - Day 20

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Day 20, phew I can't even count that far yet it seems like I have been in my little room here at the hospital ages. I have been listening carefully to Daddy when he tells me that I must get my ventilation pressure down and today the doctors decided that I had obviously been spun completely dry and they have changed my ventilation back to the standard in/out version.

In this mode I only need a pressure of 10, so that is very good and hopefully it will not cause more damage to my little lungs. When Mummy came to see me in the afternoon she was overjoyed as this seemed like a big thing to her. I am just glad that the shaking has stopped, I am sure all my insides are in the wrong place.

The new ventilation mode shows how many times I manage to breathe on my own so the doctors now say that I need to get my own breathes going so that the machine does not do more than I need. Unfortunately my poor little brain can't keep signalling my lungs to breathe on their own yet, I forget and they stop. This will hopefully change over the next few days and I will be able to come off the ventilator all together and go onto a new machine. No idea what it is called at the moment but I am sure that it will be soon, hopefully then I will be able to get my cuddle. I have been waiting ages for it. I am still drinking the milk at 1ml every 2 hours so that it is good.

Daddy came to visit again just I was going off to sleep, it has been a hard day for such a little thing like me but I held his finger to comfort him. He then took the photos below and wished me good night and told me that I been a good girl. I am trying Daddy, honest.....

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Last Updated : 07/09/01.